The Whirlwind Micmute boxes offer passive switching solutions for controlling the on and off conditions of a microphone or balanced line signal via footswitch or finger switch operation.
There are three styles, which cover all the essential mic control functions. Each style of Micmute is available with two types of actuator; a heavy duty footswitch (models PT, PM, PP) and a finger operated version for desktop use (models PTD, PMD, PPD).
Each box has a female XLR input and a male XLR output jack. When no signal is passing through the boxes, the output jack is configured to mute the input of the connected audio device.
All three styles of MicMute will pass phantom power for use with condenser type microphones.
The Micmute PM and PMD are configured as Push to Mute switches, meaning that the input signal is normally on, passing through the box. When the switch is depressed and held down, the signal is turned off or muted. The signal is reconnected as soon as the switch is released.
The Micmute PT and PTD are configured as Push to Talk switches, meaning that the input signal is normally not connected to the output; nothing is passing through the box. When the switch is depressed and held down, the signal is turned on and passed through to the output. The signal is disconnected as soon as the switch is released.
The Micmute PP and PPD are configured as latching Push On; Push Off switches, meaning that the switch must be pushed and released to turn the signal on or off through the box. Each time the switch is pressed and released (PP), or toggled (PPD) the signal is changed from one condition to the other. The PP and PPD have an indicator LED feature that is operational when the connected microphone preamp input is providing phantom power. The blue LED illuminates to indicate that the mic is live and signal is passing through the Micmute box. The LED is not functional when phantom power is not present. The Micmute PPD uses an indicating rocker switch, which displays a red bar when the signal is turned on.
The Micmute PX is an active, completely silent, microphone muting box. The circuitry allows the user to temporarily mute the mic signal with no audible artifacts even when the console channel is set at high gains. In addition, the Micmute PX can be configured to operate in any of the switching modes: PT (Push to Talk), PM (Push to Mute), or PP (Latching Push On; Push Off). This provides a one box solution for any microphone muting application by simply moving the internal jumper to set the desired function.
The Micmute PX features a heavy-duty footswitch that is also suitable for finger operation on a desktop. The unit has a female XLR input and a male XLR output jack. When no signal is passing through the box, the output jack is configured to mute the input of the connected audio device.The PX has an indicator LED feature. The blue LED illuminates to indicate that the mic is ON and signal is passing through the box.Quiet 48 Volt phantom power is supplied by the Micmute PX, so any condenser microphone can be used. A rear panel switch turns the phantom power on and off. Power requirements are 24 VAC/100mA and a wall power supply is included.
The switching mode of the MicmutePX can be changed by moving a jumper plug, located inside the unit. Remove the four screws holding the unit together and locate the three 2 pin headers on the right side of the circuit board. They are labeled PP (Latching Push On; Push Off), PT (Push to Talk), and PM (Push to Mute). Move the jumper to the header for the desired mode. An additional 3 pin header is provided to lift the ground from pin 1 of the male output XLR jack.
배송 방법 : 택배배송
지역 : 전국지역배송
비용 : 2,500원
배송 안내 : 산간벽지나 도서지방은 별도의 추가금액을 지불하셔야 하는 경우가 있습니다.
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